Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Snail Farming as ATM Machine: Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions for the eBook titled: SNAIL FARMING AS ATM MACHINE: STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO START AND MANAGE A SUCCESSFUL SNAIL FARM are detailed below.

By ordering this book, you agree that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.

1.      The author of this eBook will not be liable for use or misuse of the contents of this eBook
2.      The author of this eBook will not be liable for quotes or misquotes of references used in this eBook as well as references not included in the eBook.
3.      The eBook is a copyright of the author and should not be sold or produced massively for any commercial purposes or any other purposes without the express permission of the author

1.      You will get your money back (100%) if you return the eBook within 30 days of purchase
2.      T&C 1 above is applicable if the topics as outlined in the tables of contents is not the same as in the eBook.   SEE DETAILS HERE
3.      Bank charges shall be deducted from the amount that you paid

TERMS AND CONDITIONS for Participation in Online Consultation/Training on Snail Farming Millionaire Forum
1.You have bought a copy of the eBook: : “Snail Farming as ATM Machine: Step by Step Guide to Start and Manage a Successful Snail Farm”
 2. You agree that you will not post any information or anything that is not issue or questions related to snail farming or snail business to the forum
3. You agree that you will not post any word or statement or information that is racial in terms and purposes to the forum
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7. You agree that the Forum Admin reserves the right to publish his adverts relating to snail farming and business without seeking your consent

Monday, November 27, 2017


Did you know that having a snail farm can be like having an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) of your own? Interestingly, you can start a snail farm with about N300,000 (three hundred thousand naira) only and in 24 months you could begin to earn six figures and continue to earn in millions of naira for 30 years and more.

My eBook titled: “Snail Farming as ATM Machine: Step by Step Guide to Start and Manage a Successful Snail Farm” will show you step by step how to convert your snail farm into an ATM.

The eBook introduces snail farming and shows you how to identify the land snails for your farm. It then goes further to give details on how to start and manage a snail farm to success. The eBook gave details on how to construct snail pen as  well as the different types of snail farms.  Besides, it describes the market for the snails (includes where and when to buy as well as where and when to sell snails), the cost and profit analysis for the three species of snails in focus were also discussed.   

The outline of the contents of the eBook is as follows:

INTRODUCTION TO SNAIL FARMING                                                       
What is Snail Farming?                                                                                         
Some Literature about Snail Farming                                                                     
HOW TO KNOW THE SNAIL FOR YOUR FARM                                       
What is Snail?                                                                                                      
How to Identify the Snails                                                                                    
Achatina achatina                                                                                       
Archachatina marginata                                                                              
Achatina fulica                                                                                           
Snail Feeds                                                                                                         
Weather conditions that favour Snail Growth and Development                           Moisture                                                                                                             
Soil Care                                                                                                            
Common Predators/Enemies of Snails                                                                 
Achatina achatina                                                                                      
Archachatina marginata                                                                             
Achatina fulica                                                                                          
Snail Growth                                                                                            
HOW TO START A SNAIL FARM                                                                  
Construction of Snail Pen                                                                                  
Intensive Snail Pen                                                                                            
Semi Intensive Snail Pen                                                                                    
Free range or Extensive Snail Pen                                                                       
Other types of Pen                                                                                             
The Land to Construct the Pen                                                                           
Snail Pen Stocking Density                                                                                 
Preparaton of Land for Snail Pen                                                                        
State of the Soil for Snail Farming                                                                       
How to Fix Water Troughs in Snail Bed                                                                 
Designing the Interior of the Snail Pen                                                                    
Walls of the Snail Pen                                                                                           
Roof Cover for the Snail Pen                                                                                
Protection of the Snail Pen                                                                                    
Snail Bed                                                                                                              
Snail Pen Option B                                                                                                
HOW TO MANAGE TOUR SNAIL FARM                                                     
How to Feed your Snails                                                                                       
When to Feed Snails                                                                                             
What to Feed Snails                                                                                              Special Snail Feeds                                                                                                
How often to Feed your Snails                                                                               
Calcium Foods                                                                                                      
How to Prepare Egg Shell Powder                                                                          
How to Serve Supplements to Snails                                                                      
MARKET FOR SNAILS                                                                                   
Health and Socio-econmic value of Snails                                                              
Where to buy Snails                                                                                              
When to Sell Snails                                                                                               
Where to Sell Snails                                                                                              
How to Sell Snails                                                                                                
How Valuable or Profitable is Snail Business                                                         
Expenditure Analysis                                                                                            
Cost to Construct and Intensive Snail Pen for 100 Snails                                       
Management and Overhead Costs                                                                         
Cost of Feeds                                                                                                      
Income and Profit Analysis                                                                                   
Income Analysis                                                                                                   
Case Study 1: Archachatina marginata                                                                   
Case Study 2: Achatina achatina                                                                            
Case Study 3: Achatina fulica                                                                                
Profit Analysis for Snail Business                                                                          
Table 1: Income, Expenditure and Profit Analysis for Snail Business             
Snails Demand Analysis                                                                                           
Adding Value to Snails                                                                                       
Factors Affecting Snail Business                                                                         
How to start a snail farm even f you are broke                                                     
About the Author                                                                                               

What is the Price of this eBook?
The actual value of this eBook is N7500 (25 USD)
But, I am offering you a discount of N5000 (a whopping 67% discount if you purchase the eBook today.
The discounted price is N2500 (8 USD) only and it is for a limited period  

Added Bonus
Beside the 67% discount that I have already offered to you, I have an additional bonus for you if you order today.
I am offering you a bonus online consultation/training for FREE through our online community where you can ask questions and get answers (Terms and Conditions apply)

                                                      Hope Eghe Ogbeide

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Some tips on How to Construct a Snail Pen

Constructing a Snail Pen.
To me, this is the most important step in snail farming because if you get this right, you are about 50% gone in setting up your farm.
Why is this? This is so because snails are among the easiest animals to grow.
If you can give a snail a favourable and secure environment, then you should be ready for snail population explosion in a matter of few weeks.
Population explosion in snail farming is expected because snails has male and female sex organs within itself. It can therefore mate itself. It can also mate with another snail. The result is massive egg production.
Snails are slow in movement but they are extremely mobile. Hence, your snail pen must be completely sealed not allowing the snails out and stopping any intruder in.

In my Ebook titled: Snail Farming as ATM Machine: Step by Step Guide on How to Start and Manage a Successful Snail Farm, I described, step by step, how to construct snail pens with photos. To order a copy of this eBook, call or SMS/Whatsapp +2348037424999

There are some key factors that you must consider in constructing the snail pen. All these will be contained in the e-book. 
1. Environment must be conducive for the snail growth and development
2. Security for the snails
3. Protection of snails from predators
4. Avoid water logged areas
5. Avoid ant hills
6. Use materials that are not treated with chemicals to construct pen
7. Avoid direct contact of snails with cement, paint and other poisons in the pen
8. Use white sand and loamy soil for snail bed
9. Use the right stocking density for your snail pen
10. Seal the pen properly to keep the snails safe from flies, ants and other harmful organisms

To learn about the step-by-step methods to construct snail pen for maximum profit do the following:
Register for our training workshop holding in our training center in Benin City or invite us to your location anywhere in Nigeria and abroad. Call or SMS/Whatsapp +2348037424999 or email: or

You can also take advantage of the following learning opportunities:
1. Join Snail Farming Millionaire forum on Whatsapp here
2. Like Foodnaturalle Facebook page here
3. Call/SMS +2348037424999
4. Send Email to or

How Lucrative is Snail Business

There are three main types of snails that you can rear in Nigeria. They are
1. Achatina Achatina. This is the largest land snail. It produces about 50 eggs per clutch and can produce up to 300 eggs per year.
2. Archachatina marginata. This is second largest land snail. It produces 7-10 eggs per clutch and about 80 eggs per year.
3. Achatina fulica. It is not as large as the two above. It lays 50-100 eggs per clutch and can produce up to 500 eggs per year.

From the info above,  if a farmers begins his/her farm with 100 Achatina achatina. You can have 100x300 =30,000 snails if  all the eggs hatch.
In the worst scenario, you can 100×100=10,000 snails if you manage your snails and their hatchings properly.
How do you maximize hatchings? These and other questions will be answered in my eBook titled: Snail Farming as ATM Machine: Step by Step Guide to Start and Manage and Successful Snail Farm. For more details about how to order this eBook call/SMS or whatsapp +2348037424999. You can also reach me on email: or

How lucrative is Snail Farming?
We have shown above that:
1. Achatina achatina snails can lay up to 300 eggs annually
If you start your farm with 100 snails you can have maximum 30,000 snails if no losses
2. Archachatina marginata lays up to 80 eggs per year. If you start your farm with 100 snails you can have maximum 8,000 snails a year
3. Achatina fulica can lay up to 500 eggs per annum. Hence, if you start your farm with 100 snails you can have maximum 50,000 snails if no losses.
If you sell one Achatina achatina for N200, you can realise 30,000 × 200 = N6,000,000. This is where there is no loss. But in worst scenario, if only one third of snails survive, you can realise 10,000 × 200 = N2,000,000 in one year. Let us assume that you spent N500,000 - N800,000 to purchase snails, build pen and manage the farm (which is on the high side), what you earn as profit will be N1,200,000 - N5,200,000

Opportunity to Acquire Skill on Snail Farming
Here is a beautiful opportunity to get the skills to start and manage a successful snail farm. Attend our training workshop in our center in Benin City or anywhere in Nigeria or elsewhere. Call or SMS/Whatsapp: +2348037424999

During the training workshop,  we will show you
1. How to start your farm with minimum cost
2. How to manage your farm effectively and maximize your profit
3. How and where to sell your snails

Hope Eghe Ogbeide
Tel/whatsapp: +2348037424999

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Snail Business Value Chain Training Workshop Schedule

We will be organising a  series of training workshop for snail farmers and prospective snail farmers in November and December, 2017

The Training on Snail Farming Value Chain has the theme:Taking advantage of the Income Generating Opportunities in the Complete Cycle of Snail Business.

We will train people on snail farming, snail marketing, how to grow crops and sell to snail farmers, how to help snail farmers pick wasted vegetables and fruits for free and sell to snail farmers at cheap rate, how and where to find snail buyers locally and internationally.

The training will be very practical and detailed.
The training workshops will hold in as follows

November 20 -22, 2017                             Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me) 
November 23 - 25,2017                             Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)
November 27 -29, 2017                             Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)
November 30 - December 2, 2017             Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)
December 4 - 6,2017                                 Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)
December 7 - 9,2017                                  Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)
December 11 -13,2017                                Location: Benin City (for other location, please, contact me)

The above training schedule for the above dates are flexible. If you want us to provide training for you on any of those dates do contact us 3 days ahead to enable us prepare for you.

1. Prospective snail farmers
2. Existing snail farmers that want to update their knowledge
3. Prospective snail marketers
4. Existing snail marketers who want to learn more about the business opportunities
5. Arable (crop) farmers that want to know how to supply snail feeds to snail farmers
6. Prospective arable farmers that want to know what crops to plant for snail farmers
7. Prospective snail feeds scavengers who will supply feeds to farmers from multiple sources
8. Snail consumers who want to know where and how to get cheap snails

Cooperative societies
Religious groups
Community development associations
Economic empowerment projects
Educational institutions
Snail Farmers
Prospective snail farmers
Marketers and prospective snail marketers

Contact us 
For more details about the training workshop timetable. booking your space, registration and training fees as well as other related issues, please, contact:

Hope Eghe Ogbeide
Tel/Whatsapp: +2348037424999